Feb 12, 2025
2024-2025 Catalog
Focus Area Exploration (AFAAS)
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Award: Associate in Applied Science Degree
The Focus Area Exploration degree is a general studies degree designed to allow students to explore programs within an area of academic focus.
Graduation Requirements
To earn this degree, a student must complete all required courses.
Total credit hours required to complete this AAS degree: 91.5*
*Total credits are calculated using the least number of credits needed to satisfy the elective requirements.
Links to Additional Resources Major Requirements - 45.0 credits
Complete a minimum of 45.0 credit hours of courses within one of the following Academic Focus Areas (AFA). Students are expected to choose an area of focus upon completion of 18 credit hours. Business
- Accounting - ACCT
- Sustainable Culinary & Baking Management - CULI
- Business Management - BSAD
- Economics - ECON
- Entrepreneurship - ENTR
- Finance - FINA
- Insurance - INSU
- Management - MGMT
- Marketing - MRKT
- Real Estate - REES
Community and Human Services
- Criminal Justice - CRIM
- Early Childhood Education - ECED
- Human Services - HMSV
- Legal Studies - LAWS
Creative Arts and Design
- Art - ARTS
- Communication Studies - COMS
- Design, Interactivity, and Media Arts - DIMA
- Fashion Design - FASH
- Interior Design - INTD
- Photography - PHOT
- Theatre - THEA
- Video/Audio Communication - VACA
Health Professions
- Fire Science Technology - FIST
- Health - HLTH
- Health Data & Information Management - HDIM
- Health Information Management Systems - HIMS
- Medical Assisting - MDST
- Nursing - NURS
- Respiratory Technology - RESP
Information Technology
- Information Technology - INFO
Skilled Trades and Technical Sciences
- Advanced Manufacturing - AMFG
- Architectural Design Technology - ARCH
- Auto Collision - AUTB
- Automotive Technology - AUTT
- Civil Engineering - SCET
- Construction & Building Science - CNST
- Critical Facility Operations - CFOT
- Diesel and CDL - DESL
- Electrical Apprenticeship - ELAP
- Electrical Mechanical Maintenance Technology - ELME
- Electrical Technology - ELTR
- Heating A/C & Refrigeration - HVAC
- Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management - HLSM
- Industrial & Commercial Trades - INCT
- Manufacturing - MFGT
- Mechanical Drafting Technology - DRAF
- Plumbing Apprenticeship - PLAP
- Powersports and Outdoor Technology - PSPT
- Precision Machine Technology - PRMA
- Toyota Technician - TTEN
- Utility Line - UTIL
- Welding - WELD
Elective - 24.0 credits
Complete a minimum of 24.0 credit hours from any prefix. Associate in Applied Sciences General Education Requirements - 22.5 credits
The following are General Education requirements for an Associate in Applied Sciences degree (AAS). Students may not use the same course to satisfy more than one degree requirement. Critical Thinking/Creativity & Social/Cultural Awareness
1 Course 4.5 credit hrs. Select 1 course from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences courses under the Critical Thinking/Creativity & Social/Cultural Awareness General Education Courses. Scientific Inquiry
1 Course 4.5-6.0 credit hrs. Select 1 course from either the list of Natural Sciences or Social Sciences General Education courses. *Students choosing a Social Sciences course to satisfy the Scientific Inquiry requirement should take a Humanities course to satisfy the Critical Thinking/Creativity and Social/Cultural Awareness competency. |
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