Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

College Policies and Procedures

Animals on Campus

MCC recognizes the importance of Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA) and Nebraska law [Section 20-127].   Persons with service animals are allowed to participate in all college activities, classroom activities, and visit all college locations available to any person without a service animal, except in situations where safety may be comprised. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) under Titles II and III defines service animals as dogs and, in some exceptions, miniature horses. To meet the definition of a service animal, the dog must be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. A dog meeting this definition is considered a service animal under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. Service animals are working animals, not pets.  

Animals are not allowed on campus with the exception of service animals for people with disabilities. At no time should animals be left in vehicles.  If there are any questions as to whether an animal qualifies as a service animal, a determination will be made by Disability Support Services counselors. Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and Therapy animals do not assist an individual with a disability in the activities of daily living; therefore, they are not protected by laws for service animals.

Annual Notice to Students

Annually, MCC informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. This Act, with which the institution complies fully, was designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act office concerning alleged failures by the institution in complying with the provisions of the Act.

Children on Campus

Out of respect for all students and concern for safety and liability issues, children not registered in MCC classes are not permitted to attend class with their parent or guardian or to be left unattended at any College location. MCC police will attempt to locate a parent or guardian of an unattended child. Legal authorities may be called to deal with the situation if the attempt to locate the parent or guardian is unsuccessful. Students who disregard this policy may face disciplinary action.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Notice

MCC’s standards of conduct prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol by students and employees on College property or as part of any of the College’s activities. Illicit drug use means the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, including anabolic steroids. State and federal laws and any applicable city ordinances pertaining to the possession and use of illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages shall be observed by all College students and employees. A student’s violation of the standards stated in this paragraph shall result in disciplinary sanctions.

Provisions of this act require the annual distribution to students of a notice of the standards of conduct. A copy is available online at  https://www.mccneb.edu/getattachment/About-MCC-Nebraska/About-MCC/Procedures/V-4-Student-Conduct-and-Discipline.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US. 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Access to student information

Students’ rights concerning access to educational records are outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended. These rights include:

  • providing students with the opportunity to inspect their educational records;
  • providing students with the opportunity to challenge through a hearing the content of their educational records if it is believed that they contain information that is inaccurate or misleading; and
  • limiting disclosure of information from students’ records to those who have students’ written consent or to officials specifically permitted within the law, such as College officials and - under certain conditions - local, state, and federal officials.

Students who wish to grant parental, spouse, or third-party access to their educational records may do so by submitting an Authorization to Release Student Information form to the Registrar’s Office.

Metropolitan Community College will not disclose any personally identifiable information about students (except directory information listed below, at the discretion of the College) without the written consent of the student. Each student, however, has the right to restrict the release of this information by submitting an opt out of directory information form or sending in a written request to the Registrar’s Office. MCC’s directory information may include, at the discretion of the College:

  • student’s name
  • MCC email address
  • credit hour status (full- or part-time for the term)
  • start and end dates of attendance (start date of first quarter of when classes were taken and end date of the last quarter when classes were completed only)
  • degrees, honors, and awards received
  • major field of study
  • photographs, audios, and videos of students participating in official school activities and events*

*In consideration of acceptance of enrollment, students authorize Metropolitan Community College to use their image, likeness, name and comments in, but not limited to, photographs, videos and audio recordings created or used for the purposes of publicity/marketing and advertising for the College.

Students have the right to restrict access to their directory information by completing a Request to Opt Out of Directory Information form. By completing this form, students are requesting that directory information not be released to non-College personnel. As a result of the decision to request confidential status, students should know:

  • all address changes must be made in person with a form of ID;
  • no information can be given to friends or relatives trying to locate a student through MCC;
  • information as to student status is suppressed, so loan companies, prospective employers, family members, etc., are informed that MCC has no record of the student’s attendance; and
  • the graduation program or any other official publication does not contain the student’s name.

Students who object to the disclosure of any of the above information and would like it withheld from disclosure must complete an Opt Out of Directory Information form found in Etrieve. (Canvas/Student Links, Student Forms, REC-Opt of Directory Information)

Processes for Addressing Concerns of Students, Employees, and Members of the Public; Legal Compliance Officer; College Ombudsperson

College students, employees, and members of the public who wish to report suspected criminal or non-criminal wrongdoing, fiscal waste, or fiscal mismanagement may refer to Board of Governors Policy 10801 and College Procedures Memorandum X-14.

To report suspected criminal wrongdoing or immediate safety concerns contact the MCC Police Department at 531-622-2222, or contact any other law enforcement agency with jurisdiction.

To report suspected non-criminal wrongdoing - such as suspected mismanagement of public funds or actions potentially creating a substantial and significant danger to the health or safety of any individual or the security of public property - contact the College Legal Compliance Officer, James R. Thibodeau, Associate Vice President for Compliance and General Counsel, at 531-622-2428.

For assistance handling unresolved concerns (such as academic grades, student aid, discipline, and so forth), redress of grievances, and assistance with navigating College policies and procedures, contact the College Ombudsperson at 531-622-8030, or email concerns to ombudsperson@mccneb.edu.

Individuals making good faith reports may remain anonymous to the extent possible, and will not be subject to retaliation or reprisal by the College, its employees, or its Board of Governors. Individuals who knowingly make false or bad faith reports may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.

Solicitation and Distribution of Literature

The College forbids the solicitation of students, employees, visitors, and guests on College property for the sale of goods and services, religious or charitable purposes, or any other activity not officially sanctioned by the College without the prior consent of the president or designee.

The College reserves the right to limit the time, place, and manner of solicitation on College property for any purpose and by any individual or group to reasonable times, places, and methods that do not interfere with the educational or student activities of the College; the safe and unobstructed movement of students, employees, visitors, and guests of the College; the safety of all individuals on College property; and promotion of the cleanliness and preservation of College grounds and facilities.

The College prohibits the placement of any kind of flier or other kind of paper, sticker, pamphlet, or other solicitous information, whether for-profit or not, on any vehicles or anywhere else on College property at any time. College organizations wishing to post announcements on approved College bulletin boards must seek prior permission of the director of student services, executive director, or their designees.

Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Statement

Metropolitan Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, genetic information, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, marital status, age, pregnancy, disability, current or prior military service, protected veteran status or membership in any other class that is protected under local, state or federal law or regulation in admission or access to its programs and activities or in its treatment or hiring of employees. The College complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1990, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of l975 and related Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, and all amendments to the above.

MCC is committed to ensuring that our websites and facilities are accessible and usable to everyone. We strive to follow best practices based on the federal requirements outlined in Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Concerning Title VI (race), Title IX (gender equity), Section 504 (disability), Americans with Disabilities Act/Program and Services Accessibility and age, contact:

  • Julie Langholdt - Dean of Student Advocacy and Accountability: 531-622-2202, jlangholdt@mccneb.edu (students);
  • Missy Beber - Vice President of Human Resources: 531-622-2236, mlbeber@mccneb.edu (employees);
  • Scott Kardell - Associate Vice President, Facilities Operations: 531-622-2546, sakardell@mccneb.edu (accessibility);
  • or the United States Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights - Office for Civil Rights (OCR): 1-800-421-3481, ocr@ed.gov.
    Concerning hiring and employment-related complaints of discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, genetic information, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, marital status, age, pregnancy, disability, current or prior military service, protected veteran status or membership in any other class that is protected under local, state or federal law or regulation, or affirmative action or diversity issues, contact:
  • Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion: 531-622-2649, cgooch@mccneb.edu.

The address for all of the above individuals is as follows:

Metropolitan Community College
30th and Fort streets
P.O. Box 3777
Omaha, NE 68103-0777