Award: Associate in Applied Science Degree
Program Location: Fort Omaha Campus
This degree builds a strong foundation of architectural engineering knowledge through project-based learning. Students learn how cutting-edge technology, design, and construction techniques influence the production of construction documents used to create buildings. It prepares students to enter the AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) industry as BIM (building information modeling) technicians capable of supporting the work of engineers, manufacturers, and contractors.
Students will select a focus path of either Electrical, Mechanical or Structural.
Recommended Program Map
Click here to see the recommended Program Map for this degree. Courses are listed by quarter to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a quarter, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your map, please call 531-622-2400.
Graduation Requirements
Major Requirements: 46.5
Option Requirements: 22.5-27.0
General Education: 22.5
Total credit hours required: 91.5 - 96.0
The following General Education courses are recommended for Architectural Design Technician (ARCED): Communication: ENGL 1225; Quantitative/Numeracy Skills: MATH 1240 or higher; Critical Thinking/Creativity & Social/Cultural Awareness: ARCH 1000 ; Scientific Inquiry: PHYS 1010; Professionalism/Life Skills and Information Literacy: INFO 1001