Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

It is the role of Student Services to support the academic mission by providing a comprehensive range of services designed to facilitate student engagement with the College and success in the classroom.

These services include, but are not limited to, advising, counseling, services to students with disabilities, testing services, tutoring, career services, and military and veteran student services at all three campuses and four center locations and MCC’s myHub.mccneb.edu portal. myHub provides students an online way to learn about events and programs, join organizations, volunteer, and showcase their experiences in their personalized involvement record. Library services and Learning and Tutoring Centers are located at the South Omaha Campus, Fort Omaha Campus, and the Sarpy Center.

Student Conduct

The code of student conduct is a set of rules that applies to every student enrolled at MCC. Every student is responsible for abiding by the code of student conduct.

College is a time for learning, inside and outside the classroom. MCC respects the rights of faculty to teach and students to learn. Maintenance of these rights requires classroom conditions that do not impede the learning process. Classroom behavior that seriously interferes with either the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated. Each member of the campus community-instructors, staff, and students-contributes to the climate of MCC’s locations by:

  • respecting fellow students, staff, and faculty;
  • practicing honesty;
  • being tolerant of differences; and
  • demonstrating civility.

The code of student conduct addresses two areas of behavior: academic and non-academic. Contact the appropriate academic dean regarding questions about academic misconduct; contact the associate director of student advocacy and accountability or the dean of student advocacy and accountability regarding questions about non-academic/behavior misconduct. Violators of the student conduct code are subject to one or more sanctions depending on the seriousness of the violation. The Student Conduct and Discipline can be found at: https://mccneb.edu/getattachment/About-MCC-Nebraska/About-MCC/Procedures/V-4-Student-Conduct-and-Discipline.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US

Smoke and Tobacco Free

As of September 17, 2017 all MCC locations are smoke and tobacco-free. This policy promotes the well-being of all MCC community members and the maintenance of a sustainable and healthy campus environment.

For information and resources visit mccneb.edu/smoke-free

Thank you for respecting MCC’s Smoke and Tobacco-Free policy.

Academic Support

Academic Advising

Academic advisors assist students by developing an educational plan, promoting successful student practices, and providing general direction to support student academic and career goals. Advisors connect students to important college resources and provide information about MCC’s academic programs, services, policies, and procedures. Advisors also guide students through career exploration by utilizing interest, strength, and other assessment tools.

The Success Navigator (SN) provides individualized guidance to new students, assisting them through the complexities of the College environment. They assist with connecting students to services and resources, including career exploration, and developing their educational plan. Success Navigators are committed to onboarding students to ensure a “Smart Start”.

Advocacy Counseling

Advocacy Counselors provide support and intervention when challenging circumstances or a major life event impacts academics or personal life. Counselors take a holistic approach to help you identify actions you can take to create positive change. They provide referrals to MCC partners and community agencies for services such as interpersonal counseling, financial assistance and housing. Services are free, private and focused on supporting your welfare on-and-off-campus.

Advocacy counselors also work with students returning to the College following academic suspension or dismissal. The advocacy counselors provide confidential assistance, advocacy, support, and consultation on behalf of individuals of gender and/or relationship violence on the campus including victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, and/or stalking. Advocacy includes assistance in coordinating services with local agencies on behalf of the subject in all areas, including student services, the local campus police department, and other services as needed. Advocacy counselors are available at the Elkhorn Valley, Fort Omaha, and South Omaha campuses and the Sarpy Center. Contact information for Advocacy Counseling can be found at https://mccneb.edu/Current-Students/Current-Students-Resources/Student-Advocacy-and-Accountability/Student-Advocacy

Learning and Tutoring Centers

The Learning and Tutoring Center (LTC) provides free tutoring, academic assistance, access to state-of-the-art equipment, and academic coaching services to enhance enrolled students’ learning success. Friendly staff work in person and online to assist with study strategies, basic skills, Microsoft Office programs, and online college systems. Subject-specific tutors help students understand concepts and apply study strategies in high-challenge courses such as information technology, sciences, and accounting.

Assistance is available online days, evenings, and weekends, and  in person at the Elkhorn Valley Campus, Fremont Area Center, Fort Omaha Campus, Sarpy Center, and South Omaha Campus. Students have access to computers, internet, printing, specialized     software, and scanning at our five locations. To learn more about services, locations, and available times, visit mccneb.edu/ltc . 

Contact the LTC at ltcenter@mccneb.edu or (531) 233-0982.


The MCC Libraries provide research materials and instruction in support of the College’s curriculum. Staff members are available to assist students with their research assignments, email, MyWay, Canvas, MS Office software, and PaperCut. Libraries are located at the Elkhorn Valley and South Omaha campuses. Online library resources and services are available at the Fort Omaha campus. Students, faculty, and staff are also welcome to use the City of La Vista Public Library at the Sarpy Center.

The Library website includes links to more than 60 research databases containing eBooks, streaming videos, journals, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, and more. Off-campus access to the databases is available for current students, faculty, and staff. The Elkhorn Valley and South Omaha campus libraries also house a collection of print books, DVDs, journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Other resources available to students include:

  • library orientation/instruction
  • face-to-face and online assistance
  • computers equipped with internet access as well as    Microsoft Office products (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher)
  • interlibrary loan to obtain materials not available  through MCC’s libraries
  • reciprocal borrowing agreements with the Omaha Public Libraries, the City of La Vista Public Library, and other college libraries in Nebraska
  • quiet study rooms 


In addition to serving MCC’s students, faculty, and staff, the Libraries also provide library services to the residents of the College’s four-county service area (Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy, and Washington counties).

For more information about library resources and services, including hours, locations, and policies, visit the Library website   at www.mccneb.edu/library.

  • Elkhorn Valley Campus, 531-622-1300
  • Fort Omaha Campus, 531-622-2306
  • South Omaha Campus, 531-622-4506

Math Centers

MCC’s Math Centers provide free drop-in assistance from qualified personnel for all math and/or math-related courses. Space is also available for study groups. Additionally, students can sign up for free one-on-one tutoring in all MCC math courses at each of the four main campuses. Many other resources are available at the Math Centers. Additional information can be found at mccneb.edu/mathcenter.

Writing Centers

MCC Writing Centers, which are staffed by experienced writers and English teachers, provide professional writing assistance, workshops, Teacher Talk sessions, and liaisons dedicated to all English classes and Dean areas to help students, staff, and faculty realize the power of the written word. Simply stated, it is a place where writers invite other writers to dialogue about writing at all stages of the process from brainstorming to editing. Writing Centers are available at all College locations and online. For more information, please visit https://www.mccneb.edu/Current-Students/Current-Students-Resources/Writing-Center  To schedule an appointment, please visit https://mccneb.mywconline.com/


The College contracts with Follett Higher Education Group to manage and operate the bookstores. The bookstores located at the Elkhorn Valley, Fort Omaha, and South Omaha campuses are open throughout the quarter. Hours are prominently posted at each store and are extended during peak times each quarter. 

For more information, call any MCC bookstore:

  • Elkhorn Valley Campus, 531-622-1208
  • Fort Omaha Campus, Building 23, 531-622-2308
  • South Omaha Campus, Connector Building, 531-622-4508

Books can be ordered online at:

https://www.bkstr.com/efollettstore/home and select your Campus.

Campus Dining

Campus dining is available, while classes are in session, at the South Omaha Campus (connector building), the  Fort Omaha Campus (Building 10), the Elkhorn Valley Campus, and the Sarpy Center. The South Omaha Campus offers daily vendors for peak-time dining options. Hours of operation and variety of beverages, snacks, sandwiches, and hot items may vary by location.

The Sage Student Bistro, located at the Fort Omaha Campus in the Institute for the Culinary Arts (Building 22), offers a teaching and learning experience for culinary arts students. Eat lunch or dinner Monday through Thursday when classes are in session. For more information, visit the Sage Bistro web page.

Career Services

The mission of MCC Career Services is to provide support to current students and alumni to help them reach their career goals through engagement and networking programs and job readiness activities.

MCC Career Services provide assistance and guidance in the area of job readiness and we help students and alumni to increase their professional network and connections.

We offer assistance via phone, email, Zoom meetings and in-person and drop-ins at any fo the main campus locations.

Main Number - 531-622-4647

Email - careerservices@mccneb.edu 

Website: mccneb.edu/careerservices

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MCCNebraskaCareerServices

Career Services offers the following services for students and alumni:

  • Resume and cover letter assistance
  • Job and internship search strategies
  • Job interview preparation
  • Networking: LinkedIn, NEworks, and InternNE Accounts Assistance
  • Resources for career exploration

Veterans and Military Resource Center

The Veterans and Military Resource Center (VMRC) provides Veterans, active duty, Guard and Reserve members, and their families the holistic support, resources, and advocacy needed to ensure they reach their educational, career, and economic mobility goals.

The VMRC serves as the focal point for providing counseling, information, and assistance in obtaining various Federal, DoD, and State benefits. Additionally, it advocates for and assists students in identifying and securing various school and community resources and services.  It assists faculty and staff members to help ensure learning initiatives and environments best support positive Veteran educational outcomes.

The VMRC hosts several Federal and State VA representatives.  To ease the transition from military to student life, the Center has a VA Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership Program, or VITAL counselor.  This person provides counseling and support to help students overcome barriers and stay on their educational paths.  The VMRC also hosts a State Veterans Services Officer who assists Veterans and others with compensation and disability claims, debt management inquiries, and in obtaining other Nebraska State Veterans benefits.  Finally, the VMRC has partnerships with NE DoL Veterans Services and area employers to help facilitate employment services and opportunities for students.

The VMRC offers students a comfortable atmosphere, access to tutoring and academic support, complimentary refreshments, private study areas, and a relaxation room with massage chair.  It also conducts various MCC Veteran events, activities, and celebrations throughout the year and oversees the school’s Student Veterans Organization.

Learning Communities

Learning communities comprise a cohort - a group of students who share interests and take classes together. The goal of these communities is to provide student and course connections that make classes and learning more interesting and students more successful. Benefits include:

  • learning in a cooperative environment;
  • integrated curriculum;
  • individual advising/counseling;
  • direct contact with quality instructors;
  • making new friends;
  • small class sizes; and
  • a better chance for academic success, which increases the likelihood of staying in college.

Current learning community opportunities include:

Paired Learning

Paired learning courses emphasize the relationship between two subject areas by providing students with the opportunity to learn about common topics from different points of reference. Instructors organize curriculum around projects and problem-based instruction.

Teacher Preparation Connection

MCC offers a range of courses in early childhood education (ECED) and education (EDUC) that transfer to bachelor’s degree programs at colleges and universities throughout the state.

Students planning to earn certification in early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, or special education can complete up to 94.0 quarter hours (62.0 semester hours) at MCC. Most or all of those credits transfer to four-year programs.

The list of courses required by teacher certification programs varies, so it is recommended that a transfer institution and certification program be chosen prior to registering for EDUC courses.


The TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individual from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve assist low-income, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post baccalaureate programs.

Student Support Services

The TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program furthers the MCC mission of educational excellence and equal access by providing first-generation college students with limited income and/or disabilities and homeless students a multiplicity of academic and personal support services: study skills development to achieve academic success, tutoring and supplemental instruction to master course content, and intensive academic and personal advisement to build confidence and promote student success. SSS also provides mentors and the Dr. Bill Dood Summer Bridge Program to first-year students, along with financial literacy education, and scholarship/grant opportunities. These interconnected services increase persistence and encouragement for a unified transition. TRIO/SSS includes the Single Parent/Displaced Homemaker program serving single parents, displaced workers or pregnant students as they strive to meet their educational goals. Students must apply for program services; space is limited.

Single Parent/Displaced Homemaker Program

The Single Parent/Displaced Homemaker program provides a wide range of workshops and personal assistance to single parents, single pregnant women, and displaced homemakers who are accepted into the Student Support Services/TRIO program. Referral to other college offices and relevant outside community agencies is also available. The program also advises the Positive Opportunities for Parenting Solo (POPS) group. Participation in Student Support Services is not required to participate in POPS.

MCC Upward Bound Math and Science Program

The MCC TRIO Upward Bound Math and Science program (UMBS) is designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students from Omaha Northwest High School. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in math and science, aid them in the college going process, and ultimately careers in the math and science professions.

Veterans Upward Bound Program

TRIO Veterans Upward Bound program is designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in a program of postsecondary education. The program provides assessment and enhancement of basic skills through advising, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas. The primary goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs.

Additionally, we assist veterans in securing support services from other locally available resources that serve veterans.

Services include:

  • Education/advising services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of participants
  • Instruction in reading, writing, study skills, and other subjects necessary for success in education beyond high school
  • Academic, financial, or personal counseling
  • Tutorial services
  • Mentoring programs
  • Information on postsecondary education opportunities
  • Assistance in completing college entrance and financial aid applications
  • Assistance in preparing for college entrance exams
  • Information on the full range of Federal Student financial aid programs and benefits
  • Guidance and assistance in alternative education programs for secondary school dropouts that lead to receipt of a regular secondary school diploma, entry into general education development (GED) programs or postsecondary education

Participants must be low-income and prospective first-generation college students that are military veterans who served in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for more than 180 days and received other than a dishonorable discharge; was discharged because of a service connected disability; was a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces called to active duty for a period of more than 30 days; or was a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001; and have a high risk for academic failure.

MCC Police Department

You can find MCC Police information online at mccneb.edu/police, or simply by navigating the MCC website and selecting “Police” found under the “About MCC Nebraska” tab.


For emergencies and non-emergencies requiring police, fire or medical response, please call MCC Police direct at 531-622-2222 or 911.  You can also contact us by simply selecting the preset directory button, labeled MCC POLICE on any MCC office or classroom telephone.


The Metropolitan Community College Police Department (MCC Police) was established in October 2010 in response to a National trend of public postsecondary schools having dedicated law enforcement agencies, providing a quicker response time to incidents and offering college-specific services. MCC Police has the primary jurisdiction and responsibility to investigate crimes and provide police services for MCC locations within the four-county service area. Police Officers are located at the Elkhorn Valley, Fort Omaha and South Omaha Campuses and the various Centers as needed. MCC Police is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week, including holidays.  Police Officers maintain a high level of visibility on campuses, which helps create a strong connection with the community.

MCC Police is recognized by the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice as a Law Enforcement Agency; therefore, Police Officers are commissioned and certified as Nebraska Law Enforcement Officers.   The Governor of the State of Nebraska appoints most MCC Police law enforcement officers as Special Deputy State Sheriffs to exercise extraterritorial law enforcement authority, including arrest and enforcement under the laws of this state in any City and County where MCC properties are located.  Authority expands statewide for offenses originating on MCC properties.

The department also employs civilian Public Safety Officers whose primary purpose is to provide security. Public Safety Officers are not armed and do not have arrest powers (non-commissioned); however, they undergo training in security, life safety and handling situations with which they may be called to respond.

Every month, MCC Police provides its Uniform Crime Report to the Nebraska Crime Commission as required for the inclusion of crime statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The mission of the MCC Police is to provide a safe environment for students, faculty and staff that enhances the educational mission of MCC. Prevention of crime is a priority at all MCC educational sites.

MCC Police services include, but not limited to:

  • Enforcing state statutes and city ordinances
  • Enforcement of College rules and regulations
  • Responding to medical emergencies
  • Investigating motor vehicle accidents
  • Patrolling campus properties and providing escorts to faculty, staff and students
  • Community training programs
  • Providing assistance with disabled vehicles
  • Assisting the College community with information and directions; and
  • Checking facilities for hazards and safety compliance

MCC students are encouraged to enroll and participate in the MCC EMERGENCY text messaging alert system.

  • To enroll, visit My Services at myway.mccneb.edu.

The MCC Emergency Notification System allows MCC Police to send information about real-time emergencies, which are distributed by way of:

  • The MCC homepage
  • MCC students and staff email
  • Text messaging
  • Alertus brand beacons using audible and visual modes; and
  • Outdoor siren systems

Several resource links are listed on our webpage, including:

  • Annual Security Report
  • Crime Log Report
  • Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
  • Report of Injury
  • Request a Copy of MCC Police Report
  • File a Statement with the MCC Police Department
  • MCC CSA Reporting Form
  • Workplace Violence Reduction
  • Crime Prevention & Personal Safety Tips
  • Faculty/Staff Critical Incident Checklist
  • Threat Assessment Matrix
  • Options to Consider in Response to an Active Shooter
  • Sexual Assault Prevention and Resources

Annual Security Report

The MCC Police Department prepares the Annual Security Report to comply with the federally mandated Jeanne Clery Act. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by MCC, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from MCC campus locations. The report also includes policies concerning campus security, such as reporting sexual assault and other matters. The full text of the report is located online at mccneb.edu/police.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Resources

The Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability encourages all staff and students to review the information regarding sexual violence prevention education, which can found online at mccneb.edu/police.

Specialized Technology Areas

To enhance the student learning experience, MCC provides state-of-the-art equipment and up-to-date software at numerous locations throughout the College. The College has a dedicated Academic Data Center where students experience the operation and use of the newest technologies in Information Technology. MCC information technology students are being introduced to and utilize virtualization technology, cloud computing, and data center management. MCC information technology is also giving students experience in using mobile devices and developing mobile applications. Students have access to information technology resources via the Internet and on all campuses.

The visual arts lab at the Elkhorn Valley Campus houses state-of- the-art hardware and software in support of the College’s visual arts programs. The lab has the latest versions of design software such as the full suite of Adobe’s Creative Cloud, and Corel painter to assist students of photography, graphic design, and visual arts. Animation students can access high-powered processors with specialty software including Maya, Mudbox, Dragon Frame, and Cinema 4D. Hands-on drawing skills are enhanced through the use of Wacom tablets and Cintiq pressure- sensitive monitors. All visual art students benefit from high-quality color and large format printers. The 3D sculpture lab includes a 3D printer and an Epilogue Fusion Pro laser cutter.

The Career and Academic Skills Center (CASC) at the Fort Omaha Campus has laptop and iPads for students to check-out and use while in the building. The CASC has an east and west student lounge, on the first floor. The second floor is home to the Learning and Tutoring Center, Writing Center and Math Center. There are quiet study rooms, open collaborative spaces and even semi-private cubbies for students to use while using an MCC mobile device.